Native Ads are a form paid ads that tend to have a very natural presentation. These ads are specifically designed to have the same look, feel and function as the format in which they appear.

More About Native Ad

Some examples of formats you may see native ads appear include relevant news related sites as well as social media feeds.

Native Ads are a a great way for your company to share a story with a targeted audience in a language that they audience can easily understand. They also tend to be very mobile friendly which is extremely important in today’s digital world.

Most Popular Form of Advertising

Although native digital ads have only been around since 2011, they have unseated display ads as the most popular form of advertising. Several recent studies revealed that readers are over 50% more likely to engage with a Native Ad as compared to display ads.

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A well written and well-placed native ad is highly engaging and captivating which means
the reader is more likely to stay on the page, share the content with others and ultimately
take action. Besides having a great story these ads also need to have a catchy title that is
designed to get the attention of the reader in the first place.

This is why STOX Media works with two of the most experienced copywriters in North America who have a proven track record of success as it relates to profiling exchange listed entities. Our copywriters really know how to grab your target audience with an eye-popping title and also how to bring your companies story to life.



In terms of Native Ad placement, STOX Media has well established and long-standing relationships with the biggest partners in the digital media space. This ensures we get the best placements possible within the news feeds in order to increase your visibility. Our established relationships also allow us to get our ads up quicker than our competitors as well as make logistical changes to the campaign in a timely fashion. This is extremely important in instances when we feel the need to pump the brakes or shift gears based upon our data analysis which is all results driven. 

In Conclusion

In closing, as your audience becomes more engaged in your content, it increases the influence that you have over their behavior and actions.

This is why the Native Ad is one of the main assets on our digital awareness
platform and why many of our other channels are designed to redirect traffic
to its location.

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